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Esprit with SoZoKi is committed to providing you with the best health and wellness solutions.
I believe the books are important, the first one gives credible storylines from someone (me) who needed a great deal of repetition in outcomes to begin to believe in the energy body. The second book also provides an understanding of energy, each chakra's many functions, and their interconnectivity via the chakra system. The size of both books was intentional, they fit in a purse, a lab-coat pocket, or a small book bag, for on-the-fly reference of information as needed.
What I had not achieved was a step-by-step process to assist you in developing your energy practice. Just as most, if not all, I said here ya go, have at it, and best of luck on your journey. So, as a master prepared nurse, I turned to the scientific method, creating assessments to complete and charts to develop, and so the Ésprit with SoZoKi Six-Step Process was born . The tools move you through a process to create personal data via assessments to insert into charts. Each step of the process provides personal insight opportunities to how choice and required behaviors and interactions impact our energy and so our health and wellness.
In step six of the process, you will begin to create your intentions (interventions to improve energy flow to a chakra, as well as through the system) for the health barriers identified in step four. The final action, not a step in the process, is to complete the Ésprit with SoZoKi Energy Self-Practice Strategic Calendar. This will allow you to map a visual filled with behaviors and influencers impacting your energy body, day to day, week to week, month to month.
The Ésprit with SoZoKi Six-Step Process has been merged into a single workbook, to take you through the assessments, in one continuous flow document. The workbook is available as a downloadable electronic or printed and spiral bound document. You will need this workbook to build your self-practice.
The answer begins with some basic elements of learning, that have no direct relationship to energy, yet are essential to determine and develop before you begin a focused course of study on energy. Once accomplished, you will move through Ésprit with SoZoKi Education Sessions and Six-Step Process before ultimately entering your data into the Ésprit with SoZoKi Energy Self-Practice Strategic Plan Calendar. Visualize a future that includes a calendar mapped out to identify positive and negative interactions, daily, weekly, monthly, allowing you to strategically use your mantras and intentions to walk away from negative interactions with your energy intact.
Mantra is a word taken from Hinduism with an origin in the part of the Vedas (the earliest Hindu scriptures) containing hymns.
They began as repetitive truisms from sacred messages and texts, or special words used to spark charms and spells when counsel was sought. In 1956, the year of my birth, the use of the word mantra to describe mediation was introduced to the English language as an instrument of thought or an instrument to help us control thought.
Mantras are also the vocalization of a sound, a word, or a series of words that are repeated when practicing meditation to bring calm to the onslaught of thought that engages our mind, and focus on what needs your attention.
If the word isn't new to you, you probably have some already. If it is new, or you've been out of practice using them, retrieve an earlier mantra or choose a new one that better fits who you are today. I need to remind you that repetitive thoughts, both positive and negative, train your brain to think a certain way.
A positive mantra can produce endorphins (our happy hormones) and serotonin (our feel-good chemical) neuropeptides, but excessive sadness & negative statements we tell ourselves can equally produce corticotropin-releasing hormones found in mood disorders.
With SoZoKi, I strive to provide everything needed to achieve health and wellness with understanding though education. This program was developed to provide the opportunity to improve health and relationships with self and others. As a health professional my intention is to share the information that has helped me for decades in the hope it too helps all who invest life's energy into themselves.